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What about the Why?

The aroma of the freshly brewed coffee was like a breath of fresh air to those gathered for an early morning convo about School Leadership!  


For some the coffees may be needed to kick start the day but for me, just being there was an awesome way to start the day.  


There was the ebb and flow of sharing opinions, successes and challenges that are connected to the climate in schools. Rapid fire topics that could easily have put a dampener on the day – funding challenges, teacher shortages, attachment to outcomes, crowded curriculum, media scrutiny, pressure on families and getting access to the allied health support our students need… I needed to take a breath!  


Amongst the barrage of challenges, one statement was a beacon of optimism, casting a bright light on the group. 


“People need to know WHY we do this. Why this is a career that brings with it the opportunity for impact on us and on others.”  


So, what about the Why? 


Picture this. Goulburn High School, fifteen minutes before first period starts. Justin (one of the Assistant Principals) walks through the yard, chin up, chest out and for those fifteen minutes he was ‘on.’ Every step an acknowledgement of a student, colleague or parent, all genuine, personal and meaningful. He was stopped in his tracks by a student (in Year 9 or 10). They chatted for a minute or two. And that is all it takes to see Justin’s ‘Why.’  


The student left the chat with a smile on his face, a positive connection with Justin who acknowledged him, congratulated and thanked him for his attitude at school for the past week or so, priming him for making a positive start to the day, the student was off and ready to go. Justin was beaming, “That kid is awesome! He has come such a long way!”  


By chance, at the end of the day I saw the same student leaving school still smiling, and, like Justin at the start of the day, chin up and chest out. Added to this I got a shout out from him, “See ya Sir! Hope you liked our school.” 


I reckon that the ‘Justins’ in our profession massively tilt the odds towards the students in our schools. They find connection, belonging, relationships and confidence to help them make the most of their time at school. I know it is not always smooth sailing but the Justin effect – that is why we do it!  


What about your why?