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Why laughter matters in the classroom.

I had a Year 6 class, and we were experimenting to test the strength of a chicken egg. The task was simple: hold an egg in one hand, squeeze as hard as you can, and, magically, it wouldn’t break. A few students gave it a go, and as expected… Tada! The eggs remained intact.


Then, Sione, a wonderful boy with a cheeky grin, raised his hand. “Let me try, Miss?” he asked. Now, Sione was in Year 6, but he was tall and strong, and that wry smile of his seemed to say, “I’m tough. This egg’s going down.”


He confidently gripped the egg in his right hand, eyes gleaming with determination. He squeezed with all his might, but nothing happened. Then, in what felt like slow motion, I saw him bring his other hand over to the egg as if to give it that little extra push. “Nooooo!” I shouted, but it was too late. With a loud crack, the egg exploded, sending yolk flying in every direction.


We stood there for a second, stunned, and then, the whole class burst into laughter. It was one of those moments you just can’t plan for, but it turned the lesson into an unforgettable one.


When was the last time you had a good laugh with your students? Mistakes in the classroom are often seen as stumbling blocks, but they can also serve as opportunities for growth, connection, and engagement when approached with humour.


Using humour in response to mistakes whether made by students or teachers can transform the classroom atmosphere, making it more positive, collaborative, and conducive to learning. Here’s how:


  1. Reducing fear and anxiety
    Humour can lower the fear of failure in students, making them more comfortable with mistakes. It signals that errors are part of the learning process, creating a safe space for students to take risks and ask questions.


  1. Fostering a growth mindset
    Using humour to handle mistakes encourages students to see challenges as learning opportunities. Teachers can model this mindset by laughing at their own errors, showing that learning is ongoing.


  1. Building community and trust
    Laughter builds a sense of community and connection. When students feel free to laugh at mistakes, they are more likely to collaborate and engage with their peers and teachers.


  1. Making learning memorable
    Humour triggers emotional engagement, helping students retain information. A funny response to a mistake can create lasting learning moments.


  1. Encouraging creativity and critical thinking
    When mistakes are met with humour, students feel freer to explore new ideas and solutions without fear of being wrong, fostering creativity and innovation.


  1. Creating a positive teacher-student relationship
    Humour makes teachers more approachable, improving communication and trust. A teacher who laughs at their own mistakes’ models humility and growth, creating a more supportive classroom environment.


  1. Defusing tension

Humour can soften corrections, helping students accept feedback without embarrassment. A light-hearted comment can defuse tension and encourage openness to learning.

Humour is a valuable tool in education. It reduces fear, fosters resilience, and promotes a positive learning environment, where mistakes are viewed as part of the journey to success. A classroom that laughs together learns together.


If you are curious about the eggsperiment you can watch it here:


Check out other articles Sheila has written here.