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About Real Schools

Real Schools exists to build partnerships and experiences to help your school achieve its potential in three key areas:


We love the expression about commitment that goes, “It’s just like with bacon and eggs. The chicken is involved, but the pig is committed.” We’re committed. And your teachers will be too – to a whole new world of practice.

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We provide experiences and partnerships which are inspiring and yet provoking. And when we commit to this level of practice, we are simply modelling the lifelong learning we want to foster in our students.

We take teachers through practice barriers. And on the other side is a whole new world of focus, effectiveness and impact. But more than this, your teachers will actually be happier, less stressed and more ‘on their game’ as a result of their Real Schools experience.

Caring students

This isn’t about caring for students. It isn’t about using tips and tricks to garner a little extra compliance from our students. It isn’t even about teaching them the good thing to do. This is about showing them how to desire doing good.

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It’s about fundamentally changing who they are and learning how our practice can transform lives … because we know it does.

Our partnerships are embedded in solid research about what it takes to build resilience, confidence, conflict resolutions skills, relationship building skills and a sense of community with our young people.

Whether you are planning for one particular tough student, one tricky class or for a whole school change in the way your students behave, then we can tailor an experience that will mark a turning point in your school’s journey.

Connected communities

This is about being part of our broader community, particularly our parent community. Your school community will believe in your school, take pride in your work and support your decisions.

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The problem is that the skill is not in making relationships, it’s in sustaining them. It’s in building strong, thick bonds that can withstand a problem without having to click ‘unfriend’.

Remember when we used to talk our problems through? The Real Schools mission is all about re-positioning the school as the community relationship hub – where community members have the skill, the intent and the persistence to work together for a better future. After all, we’re more than the sum of our parts … aren’t we?

Adam Voigt

Chief Executive Officer

Adam is a real leader who walks the talk.

A passionate advocate for teachers and school leaders, he’s an expert on building healthy school cultures, education leadership and restorative practices.

Adam’s work as a School Principal in some of Australia’s toughest locations underpins every element of his practice. He reeks credibility and the humour, stories and hope behind his evidence-based approach mean his message rings true with audiences everywhere.

Author of the acclaimed book, Restoring Teaching, and creator of the teaching methodology he calls ‘RP2.0,’ Adam has taken to print his mission to transform education in Australia – one school at a time.

Adam also takes critical messages about schools, learning, culture and leadership and elevates action in the education system through his groundbreaking education business, Real Schools.

Adam speaks widely, both locally and internationally. His presentations are high-impact, engaging, provocative and exude a clear bias for change.

He has delivered a TEDx Talk titled ‘The Importance of How’ and is a regular guest on Sunrise, The Project and other programs.

Adam has a passion for empowering as many leaders and educators as possible with the tools, skills and attitudes necessary to build meaningful, productive relationships in Australia’s schools… and for those relationships to be leveraged to accelerate student learning and growth.

But his strongest motivator is his mission to support educators in the critical role they play in building a brighter future for Australia.