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Advice and Encouragement

I had the wonderful opportunity to work with Throsby School in Canberra last week.  They’re walking a path that’s dear to my heart in opening a brand new large urban government primary school.

That was my last “day job” in 2011 before I founded Real Schools – to be the inaugural Principal of Rosebery Primary School in Darwin.

The task is, in equal parts, exhilarating and terrifying.

At the end of our Professional Learning Day together I found myself offering them one piece of advice (after all, I’m qualified on this one) and one piece of encouragement.

Since that day, I’ve found myself thinking that these two thoughts might be useful for you too.

The advice is to not wish these days away.  Resist the urge to “get through” the first lessons, days, weeks and terms.  These are special days, fat with memories and stories that you’ll tell for the rest of your lives.  Do whatever you can to savour all of them.

The encouragement is that you’ve got this.  And you really do.  The start of this 2022 school year is an experiment.  We don’t know how many kids will get or bring covid through your gates.  We just have to see what happens.  Invest in the process and protections … and hope for the best.  It’s really all you can do.

What I’m confident of is that the Teachers and School Leaders I meet are the best possible people to deploy those processes and protections.

They’ve got this.  And so do you.

Keep fighting that good fight,

PPS. We are planning some amazing workshops in capital cities around Australia in June/July. And we’re a little excitedly freaked out that seats are already being snapped up. If you teach or lead in schools, don’t miss your chance.  All the info is here.

PPS.  Good luck to Annamaria, Mitch and all the amazing educators at Throsby!

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