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Are your students’ logging emotions into a computer?

In the dynamic landscape of education, technological advancements have paved the way for innovative strategies to understand and support students’ emotional well-being. The recent surge in the adoption of emotional logging software in schools signals a commendable effort to enhance the educational experience. However, as we venture into this digital realm of student emotions, striking a careful balance between the benefits and potential drawbacks becomes paramount.

The Rise of Emotional Logging Software:

The educational sector has witnessed a significant rise in the use of emotional logging software, with platforms like Aura, Google Classroom, You Hue,, and Tinkercad gaining popularity. These tools provide students with interfaces to log their emotions, offering a range of applications from tracking emotional trends to facilitating communication between teachers, students, and parents.

Cautionary Considerations:

While the intentions behind these tools are noble, several cautionary considerations merit attention:

Erosion of Human Connection:

A primary concern in digitizing student emotions is the potential erosion of the crucial human connection between educators and students. Technology, while a valuable tool, cannot replace the depth of understanding and empathy derived from face-to-face interactions. The bonds forged in the classroom extend beyond the digital realm, making the preservation of these personal connections are paramount.

Valence and Subjectivity:

Emotions, being intricate and subjective experiences, vary greatly from person to person. The risk of misinterpretation looms large when relying solely on digital logs. The complexity of emotions can be lost in translation, potentially leading to misunderstandings and misaligned interventions.

Holistic Communication:

While online check-ins provide a glimpse into students’ emotional states, they represent only a fraction of the comprehensive communication spectrum. A significant portion of human communication occurs through non-verbal and vocal cues, elements absent in digital interactions. The richness of nuanced expressions may be lost, limiting the true depth of understanding.

Human Connection:

Emotional logging tools should be viewed as supplements, not substitutes, for human interactions. They can offer valuable data but should not overshadow the importance of in-person communication and relationship building.

The Power of Check-in Circles:

Check-in circles, followed by optional emotional logging for personal reflection over time, would be a better model. Check-in circles go beyond what software can achieve, providing a profound impact on the classroom environment:

Connection Between Participants:

Check-in circles foster a sense of connection among all participants, creating a supportive community within the classroom.

Emotional Well-being and Development of Empathy:

By sharing emotions, students not only express their own feelings but also develop empathy for their peers, contributing to emotional well-being.

Establishment of Trust and Safety:

Check-in circles contribute to the establishment of trust and safety within the classroom, creating an environment where students feel comfortable sharing their emotions.

Enhancement of Communication Skills:

Through sharing emotive language, check-in circles enhance communication skills, promoting articulate expression and active listening.

Nurturing Inclusivity and Compassion:

Check-in circles nurture inclusivity and compassion by ensuring that every participant has a voice, and their perspective is valued.

As we navigate the digital frontier of student emotions, a cautious and balanced approach is crucial. While embracing technology for insights into students’ well-being, it’s essential to recognise that human connections lie at the heart of education. Integrating tools like emotional logging with time-tested practices such as check-in circles ensures that we harness the benefits of technology while preserving the richness of personal connections in the educational journey.


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