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One wet parent

I was fascinated by a keyring one of my students made in Before School Care. It was made by arranging small round beads on a template, popping some baking paper on top and pressing a hot iron on to ‘set’ the design. One student held out the little loose beads to show me.

Naturally I asked if they could think of any different and creative ways to use them those little beads. I guess I was thinking of a necklace, a different design or some other artwork.

And oh boy did I prime them to be creative with that question! Because essentially, they went on to create an installation!

That afternoon, a parent walked towards me. Her face and hair were soaked, and she was laughing so hard I could barely make out what she was saying.

“I took a drink from the bubblers,” she said. “And instead of getting a nice bubbling brook style of delivery, I was assaulted by a shot of water at my face, somehow delivered with immense pressure!”

When she looked more carefully at the bubbler, she could see small, coloured beads had been placed where the water comes out. This crafty addition meant that water shot out in different directions at high pressure in fabulous Vegas-style fountains!

I had primed them to be creative, their mindset shifted gear to look for opportunities all around them and they delivered!

Priming for success

While my (mis)adventures in priming have certainly provided their fair share of entertainment, they’ve also taught me valuable lessons about harnessing the power of priming to frame a student’s mindset, creating a positive and productive learning environment.

I thought I’d share a few of my pearls of wisdom about the best way to prime for success.

  1. Set the Stage with Positivity

Starting with a positive mindset can make all the difference. Whether it’s greeting my students with a smile or peppering the classroom with affirmations and encouragement, I’ve found that a little positivity can go a long way in priming the atmosphere for success.

  1. Make Meaningful Connections

Building connections with my students has always been a top priority, and priming provides the perfect opportunity to strengthen those bonds. By tapping into their interests, experiences, and backgrounds, I can tailor my priming techniques to resonate with each student, fostering a sense of connection and belonging that sets the stage for success.

  1. Ignite Passion and Purpose

Motivation is the fuel that drives learning, and priming offers a powerful way to ignite that passion and purpose in my students. Whether it’s sharing stories of perseverance and resilience or setting ambitious goals for the future, I’ve found that priming with messages of inspiration and aspiration can light a fire in my students’ hearts and minds, propelling them toward success.

  1. Cultivate a Culture of Collaboration

During the chaos, there’s always room for collaboration. By priming my students to work together, share ideas, and support one another, I’ve created a classroom culture where teamwork thrives, and success is celebrated as a collective achievement. Whether it’s through group activities, collaborative projects, or peer mentoring, I’ve seen first-hand how priming for collaboration can lead to greater engagement, deeper learning, and a stronger sense of community.

  1. Embrace Resilience and Adaptability

Finally, perhaps the most important lesson I’ve learned from my adventures in priming is the value of resilience and adaptability. In the ever-changing landscape of education, things don’t always go according to plan, and that’s okay. By priming my students to embrace challenges, learn from mistakes, and persevere in the face of adversity, I’ve equipped them with the skills and mindset they need to navigate life’s twists and turns with confidence and grace.

My conclusion? Make Sure You Find the Silver Lining

While my journey with priming has certainly had its fair share of laughs and lessons, I wouldn’t trade it for the world. Through the chaos and calamity, I’ve discovered the power of positivity, connection, and collaboration in priming for success.

So, here’s to embracing the madness, learning from our mistakes, and finding the silver lining in every classroom catastrophe. After all, when life gives you chaos, why not turn it into comedy—and success?


Check out other articles Sheila has written here.