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Professional Learning that actually matters to Teachers and School Leaders!

Restorative Practices Teacher Training
Melbourne Training & Convention Centre – 2nd June 2015

We’re amazed by just how many schools are identifying that Restorative Practices is a productive and effective way forward – not only in the student wellbeing and behaviour realm, but also in terms of exponentially improving student learning outcomes.  That said – it has to be done right.  And we’ve listened to schools who have new Teachers and those who could use some extra support in achieving your vision for a Restorative School through Restorative Classrooms.  So, here it is!

During this one-day event, participants will:

  • Develop a full understanding of Restorative Practices, specifically for schools.
  • Learn the practical ways to begin working Restoratively.
  • Discover the real purpose of the Restorative Questions.
  • Reflect on their own practice through the lens of the Restorative Operating Domains.
  • Make genuine commitments for elevating behaviour, reducing bullying, connecting with parents and improving effectiveness.

Should your Teachers be missing this opportunity?  Well, all you need to do about that is head to to register immediately or (if you’re a bit old school and like forms!) just email requesting the Flyer and Rego Form – we’ll have it with you in a heartbeat!

School Leaders’ Boot Camp
Melbourne Training & Convention Centre – 9th June 2015

If you always do what you’ve always done … well you know the rest!  When was the last time you went to a Leadership PL opportunity that didn’t leave you with MORE to do, to think about or to focus on?  Isn’t your work busy enough already without that?  How about we look at School Leadership PL differently – with a focus on you, your behaviours, your aspirations, your ‘fitness’ to go about the critical task of leading improvement in your school?  As they say at Loreal … it’s all about you – and this time it will be.  If that concept resonates with you then you just can’t afford to miss our School Leaders’ Boot Camp.  It’s a day to run your Leadership Thinking around the block like it’s never been run before!
Participants will:

  • Uncover the critical importance of School Culture development as core leadership business.
  • Sculpt personal and team leadership models to promote decision making consistency.
  • Develop creative communicative stories and metaphors for team unity, clarity and cohesiveness.
  • Examine the potential of Disruptive Innovation as a lever for smashing existing barriers to exponential School Improvement.

Sound like your kind of day?  We’ll see, soldier!  Head to and register if your brave enough to view School Leadership through a different lens – or drop as a line at requesting the Flyer and Rego Form.