This week, as I was doing my grocery shopping, I was a little surprised to see tucked away between the finger buns and croissants, a packet of Hot Cross Buns. Not enough to require a stand of their own, and no Easter Bunny sticker on the front, but nevertheless, a reminder that Easter is coming. So is Christmas and New Year I might add, but Easter always seems to sneak in that little bit earlier than the rest.
It got me thinking though, what are you allowing to sneak into your weekly planning, to-do list or even conversations as the year comes to an end?
It is about this time of the year where we begin to hit a bittersweet spot as the end and the beginning of each year start to overlap. We are finishing up planning for one class whilst starting to plan for a whole new group of students, we are designing new learning projects and seating plans before even we pack up our current classroom and some of us are daydreaming about our new school whilst still working in our soon to be old school.
I love planning and daydreaming as much as any teacher, but with so much going on, and with an already crazy year, maybe this year is an opportunity to focus on what is happening now, right in front of you. Maybe it is time to just be with your students, to continue to plan and teach the lessons they need.
There will be plenty of time to plan next year’s lessons, design your classroom theme or creatively formulate the cross-subject assignments for your students. Once this happens there won’t be time for much else. Take these last few moments to be with your class, your students and your team, to connect, laugh and learn.
And finally, put the Hot Cross Buns down, there are a few other things to get through first before you need to give your undivided attention to whether you prefer sultanas or choc-chips.
Warm regards,