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Raising Your Hand

CS Lewis wrote “Friendship is born at that moment when one person says to another: ‘What! You too? I thought I was the only one.’

Teaching and School Leadership is hard these days. That doesn’t make it without reward or unworthy. But I’ve noticed a universal truth in the challenges getting tougher. And yep, a teacher shortage crisis doesn’t exactly help.

What I’ve also noticed is that School Leaders who raise their hand and walk the path in the company of those who get it are those who are coping – and even thriving – more effectively.

When I developed the Real Schools Culture Partnership model, I didn’t anticipate Covid or a teacher shortage. None of us saw much of that coming … and with such ferocity.

But we’re certainly finding that schools of all flavours who raise their hand for help are flourishing when that help arrives:

These schools have raised a hand and humbly asked for help.

I thought I’d use this article to let you know that we’re currently close to capping the number of schools that can commence a Partnership in Term 1 of 2024. Plenty of schools are discovering that raising a hand for help to focus on what matters is now what matters most.

Reply to me if you’d like a chat about your school’s potential in Partnership, ok. I’ll flick you a Partnership Prospectus.

Keep fighting that good fight,


PS. Real Schools is excited to announce its Culture Partnership is now an endorsed program on the South Australia Department of Education External Wellbeing Programs Directory. Read more about it here.



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