I have been spending a lot of time in schools of late, teaching and getting amongst the learners and as always, I have seen the very best of our colleagues. I’ve seen support staff doing laps of an oval to help regulate a young teen. Teachers taking the extra time after class to go over a concept, and teachers staying regulated when everything seems to have gone sideways. Even our wonderful office staff greeting visitors with a welcoming smile and going out of their way to be helpful.
Teachers, and those who work in schools, are an amazing bunch. We have hope, we have belief, we have faith and, we have confidence.
Each day, we hope that today will be the day. Today will be the day that that lonely little one finds a friend, that a kid struggling with a concept has that ‘aha’ moment, or just the hope that a colleague will be there with coffee and a smile.
We believe that we are doing our very best to give the kids in our care access to the curriculum at a level they can reach. We believe we are using all of our skills to be the expert in the room, and that even though we may not be there to see it, these kids will bloom.
We have faith in humanity, in people showing up to be the very best version of themselves that they can be. Faith that they are learning and growing in ways that are not visible but will serve them well into their futures.
We have confidence that we have planned big things, and small, for their learning and that they will be able to achieve them even when we know nothing of the future.
All of these together? Fortitude.
A strength of mind that enables us to overcome obstacles, get through difficult moments and to do so with courage. When things are challenging, we rise to that challenge.
Thank you to our schools and the wonderful people who work in them, you are the hope, belief, faith and confidence of our country.
Check out other articles Cassie has written here.