In the dynamic landscape of education, technological advancements have paved the way for innovative strategies to understand and support students’…
Whether you’re a teacher or school leader, the end of the year is a good time to evaluate what you’ve…
I was listening to a cool audiobook called Rework by Jason Fried this week. He speaks to how true creativity…
I spoke with a handful of School Leaders on the restorative journey last week who had a similar tale to…
How’s the weather at your place lately? The best way to describe it in my neck of the woods is unpredictable,…
I like weddings for the food options – that being that there are usually only two. Restaurants are far more…
Resilience – we all need it Recently I have been working with parent communities on how to build the resilience…
While driving, I’ve been listening to a powerful audiobook called “The Dreaming Path” by Paul Callaghan and Uncle Paul Gordon. …
I chatted with a School Leader this week whose current focus is that the school’s teachers deploy circle architecture more…
Recently, I spent some time visiting the lovely Victorian high country to relax at Falls Creek. I was overwhelmed by…