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Interested believers

Today, I’m heading out for lunch with my great mate Martin “Bucko” Buchanan.  We’re celebrating that he’s turning 50 … and that I’m not … yet.

Bucko is one of those presences in my life that has slowly become an unquestioned constant.  I guess that can happen when you’ve been friends for 37 years.

Over long periods of time, influential people perform a variety of roles for you – they can be all of confidante, counsellor and cheerleader in a single conversation.

The hat that Bucko has best worn for me is of what I’d call an interested believer.  No matter the wacky idea I present, Bucko seems to think it’s possible and invariably follows up with a question about it a week or two later.  “How’d you go with that project/proposal/possibility?”

When you have an interested believer in your life, valuable states like your confidence and your creativity are enhanced.  And further, when you’re performing in confident or creative states the likelihood of success increases.

Bucko has never completed a single work-related task for me in my career, but his positive influence is undeniable.

So, two questions for you as we all breathe deeply ahead of Semester Two:

  • Who is the interested believer in your work/life who deserves credit (lunch) for their undoubted positive influence?
  • Who needs you to be an interested believer for them across the remainder of 2021?

And Happy Birthday Bucko.

Keep fighting that good fight,

PS. Speaking of Semester Two, it ain’t too late for you to squeeze in some amazing virtual PL in your trackie pants before it kicks off. Just click on the below and register up:

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